[X4U] FW: What's the reason for your misleading CNN piece on Macvulnerabilities?

Robert Ameeti robert at ameeti.net
Mon Oct 23 19:13:15 PDT 2006

At 5:25 PM -0700, 10/23/06, Earle Jones wrote:

>1.  A good friend of mine is a high-powered senior consultant in the 
>field of computer security.  ...

>True, the old-fashioned hacker wants to make a big splash and might 
>avoid the Mac for that reason.

This statement holds no water. Who is going to make bigger news ... 
the writer of the next big Windows virus OR the writer of the first 
significant Mac OS X virus? My money is on the writer of the first 
real OS X virus.

Robert Ameeti

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
~ Winston Churchill

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