[X4U] Image included in Signature

Doug McNutt douglist at macnauchtan.com
Wed Aug 22 09:14:58 PDT 2007

At 08:40 -0600 8/22/07, Jens Selvig wrote:
>Is there a way to add an image file to the auto signature in Apple  Mail? I'd like to be able to include a business card image in the  signature file. I tried pasting a copied image in but that didn't work.

The signature section of a mail message is identified by a first line that contains two dashes and a space immediately followed by the line-ending return.  (-- \n)

There is no reason you can't generate that line as a part of your message and then add an in-line graphic. Just tell Apple mail not to include a sig line after that.

But. . .

That would generate a mulltipart, alternative email and would likely use a <c i d> html tag to display the graphic. That is a widely used spamming technique and it's likely that your messages would be rejected if not under a receiver's white list protection.

My filters simply reject all html mail if not on my white list.

--> From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. <--

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