[X4U] Delayed cursor response on MacBook

Michael Elliott michaelelliott at mac.com
Tue Feb 13 14:12:38 PST 2007

Known problem with these models. Same thing happens to me...almost as  
if you have another finger somewhere on the trackpad? The cursor  
freezes in place as if the trackpad is completely disconnected.

I did a search on this a month or two ago on Google, nobody seemed to  
have any answers.


On Feb 13, 2007, at 9:13 AM, James Hurley wrote:

> I just purchased a MacBook to supplement my PowerBook G4
> There is one persistent problem with the MacBook. Very often,  
> particularly  after completing a task, for example moving from one  
> web site to another, or changing applications, I find the cursor  
> frozen in position. It does come back to life, but only  after 5 or  
> 10 seconds. I have never had anything like this happen on my PowerBook

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