[X4U] OS crawling through chores

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Thu May 10 12:24:24 PDT 2007

On 05/10/07, James Hurley <jhurley0305 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I have two Macs (Powerbook, and MacBook, both 10.4.9)
> The MacBook is fine but the Powerbook is glacial. Constantly get the
> spinning beach ball--while typing, selecting menus, etc.
> The activity monitor shows heavy SystemUIServer usage, over 70%
> during beach ball spins  . I get no such activity on the MacBook
> doing the same operations.
> If there a virus going around?

None that I know about. I suggest creating a bootable backup/clone (using
Carbon Copy Cloner, SuperDuper!, etc.) of the PB on to a bootable, external
FireWire HD, booting into it to ensure it's viable, launching Disk Utility, and
repairing the disk and permissions. If that doesn't improve things, reinstall
the latest COMBO update for the machine's OS. If the problem persists, do an
Archive & Install installation, saving user and network settings. See
<http://www.macattorney.com/ts.html> and
<http://www.thexlab.com/faqs/performance.html> for more tips.

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