On 5/24/07 2:06 PM, John Baltutis <baltwo at san.rr.com> wrote: > IIRC, tooltips are on by default in Tiger's Safari. I don't use Mail, so can > say anything about that app. To see if it's ever been changed, type in this > terminal command: > > defaults read com.apple.safari WebKitShowsURLsInToolTips > > 0 indicates off and 1 indicates on. See this hint for details about Safari's > tooltips <http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20070519173316942>. Thanks for the link to that hint. It actually confirmed that the ToolTips are turned OFF by default (for instance, I don't even have the WebKitShowsURLsInToolTips section in my Safari preferences file) and they can only be turned on by using the Terminal or a 3rd-party tool like Mac Pilot (which is also how to turn them off). -- Eddie Hargreaves