[X4U] Screen Artifact

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Mon Nov 5 05:58:47 PST 2007

At 8 48  +0200 11/5/07, ?ubeistan wrote:
>All, On the flight home, watching a movie on DVD in my MacBook, the 
>battery died before the movie finished so I put the MB away. Got 
>home, plugged it in and have a black stripe about 3" wide on the 
>right side of the screen, almost all the way to the top of the 
>screen. Not an horizontal line at the top, but jagged. Hasn't gone 
>away through several restarts, "Command,Option,P,R" restarts & 
>shutdowns. What else might I try before calling Apple?

A wild guess, maybe if you reset the VRAM. You would boot into open 
firmware by restarting while holding Command-Option-O-F (oh, eff)
then at the prompt, type:    reset-nvram (Return)
then:   reset-all   (Return)

Can't hurt.


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