[X4U] Time Machine

Simon Forster simon-lists at ldml.com
Thu Nov 8 09:35:07 PST 2007

I received my 1TB external firewire drive today (wtf!). After a little  
bit of fun reformatting it (I had to read a manual and then go look at  
a knowledge base article. Dash it all, next they'll have us using the  
command line thingy ;-) everything seems to be working fine. 100GB  
backed up and available in Time Machine. It'll be interesting to see  
how it copes when there's a month or two's data backed up.



On 8 Nov 2007, at 15:02, Craig Hoffman wrote:

> It looked like my Apple USB modem was causing all sorts of trouble  
> when TM was running its initial backup.
> Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
> com.apple.driver.AppleSM56KUSBAudio(1.9.14)@0x7f228000->0x7f242fff
> -- from error console
> I unplugged it and I have yet to have freeze or a crash (knock on  
> wood).  The bad news is I can no longer send and receive faxes.
> _____________________
> Craig Hoffman
> iChat / AIM: m0untaind0g
> _____________________
> On Nov 8, 2007, at 4:48 AM, David R. Boag, DDS wrote:
>> You always hear about the bad times, but I've been using Time  
>> Machine without incident for over a week. FWIW.
>> DRB
>> On Nov 7, 2007, at 10:47 AM, Hector Luna wrote:
>>> I've since discovered that my internal HD on the MBP was bad and is
>>> being replaced by Apple, and I don't know what effect the bad HD  
>>> might
>>> have had on the backup, but Time Machine hasn't lived up to its hype
>>> yet, at least not for me...
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