[X4U] Using a return in an Excel field

Brett Conlon brettnlis at bigpond.com
Tue Nov 13 13:10:36 PST 2007

Virtual hugs & Kisses!  ;-}

I coulda swore I tried every variation of the shift-option-command- 
return keys but obviously not the right one!



On 14/11/2007, at 12:05 AM, Daly Jessup wrote:

> At 19 55  +1100 11/13/07, Brett Conlon wrote:
>> I have a few values that I want to put into ONE Excel field and put  
>> them on their own separate line, eg:
>> Date: 13/11/07
>> Title: The Title
>> Location: Sydney
>> How can I achieve this? Pressing return moves to the next cell.  
>> Using Shift-return moves to the previous cell...
> Use Command-Option Return.
> Daly
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