[X4U] Paragraph (space-after) formatting in Mail emails

Peter Saint James peterstj at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 13 15:54:58 PST 2007

On 13  November2007, at 1:36 AM, Brett Conlon wrote:

> Is there a paragraph formatting area in Mail (I'm currently using  
> Leopard) coz whenever I paste text from a Word doc which includes  
> the space-after format the space-after is retained, but if I want  
> to remove it in Mail I can't see a way to do it.
> Infuriatingly, I tried to go back to Word and remove all the space- 
> after formats (& space-before & line spacing to single), re-copy it  
> and paste it back into Mail but then all paragraphs appear with a  
> space-after.... what-the!

	There are other oddities that crop up when pasting from Word to  
Mail.   I have found no way in Mail to correct the problems--even  
though it seems like there should be something built in.  People  
paste things into e-mail for a wide variety of apps.  One would think  
that Apple would make this easier.

	The only thing I found that works is to put the text through a text- 
washing app before pasting it into Mail.  Something like Clean Text.   
Some of these apps work better than others and they still miss things.


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