Hi! there Listas I'm hoping that someone here will be able to help me overcome this what I've long considered a pita.. While browsing in Safari, for various reasons, I do often go into Preferances to clearout the cache files, but am always then needing to deal with the popup dialogue box which asks me 'are you sure..you really wish to..yayada' (or something close to that) that requires a Return Key tap to allow it, before I can continue my websurfin'. Is there a simple way to eliminate that unneeded lame step(the dialogue box?) in Jaguar, Panther & Tiger? The above pita seanerio is ditto for Camino & SeaMonkey too. While untested, I'm aware that Onyx has a setting to turn- off Safari cacheing entirely, I honestly don't know if'n that is what I want to do or not(wonder)? Also, Firefox & Opera have settings to auto-dump at Quit of those apps, but is there someway to force Safari do likewise?, 'cause AFAIK Apple hasn't seen fit to give us any cache limiting choices in Safari's preferances(including the new v3.04) either, and where long ago we often simply just employed a RAM Disk. On the side while I'm here, has anyone gone in and locked- down the ability to let browsed sites write to their User Cookies file?, if so, how did you accomplish that feat? Your collective wisdom & ideas are very much welcomed. TIA Respectful of GURUs Bill Cornett /