[X4U] Next dopey Excel question

Brett Conlon brettnlis at bigpond.com
Thu Nov 15 19:26:38 PST 2007

Thanks matey, I thought it strange myself....

Actually I just did a test, pasting the text into a cell in a new doc  
and it goes in just fine. So there must be some sort of local  
formatting happening in my orig. doc....

I've tried looking at all the cell properties / Excel Preferences /  
Cell validation... and I can't see anything.



On 16/11/2007, at 2:02 PM, Daly Jessup wrote:

> At 13 57  +1100 11/16/07, Brett Conlon wrote:
>> Hiya Daly,
>> I tried it but nothing happened...
>> You might be able to replicate my issue by entering a buncha text,  
>> perhaps using the Option-Return between a number of lines into a  
>> single cell. Eventually the cell (for me at least), when exited,  
>> will show a single line of hashes for the width of the cell.
>> For example, the below text in one of my cells will cause the  
>> hashes to appear when exited but if I remove as much as one  
>> character (eg. the 't' from the last line) the full remains visible:
>> dfgkjh gjhfgkjhka fgkljh akjlfgh
>> asfgdhjkjlhgkljhdkljfh g
> etc....
> Hm, that all goes in perfectly to my Excel cell.  I'm truly sorry,  
> but I looked, and can't find a preference setting that might apply.  
> We have reached the end of my Excel knowledge. I hope someone better  
> qualified can help you with this issue.
> Daly
> ----------------------

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