[X4U] Where da Leopard "Packages" go?

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Wed Nov 21 13:39:01 PST 2007

On 11/21/07, Brett Conlon <brettnlis at bigpond.com> wrote:
> Thanks Tim & John,
> But I'm still confused.... in  Software update I had the 10.5.1 
> update, Epson drivers update and I think QuickTime update showing in 
> the list. I always choose "Install and Keep Package" from the Update 
> menu so I can store the downloaded .pkg file, but after the install 
> ran and the Mac rebooted I couldn't find the downloaded files.
> I looked in Receipts and in the Updates folder, in case that's where 
> Apple now decided to put them, but in Receipts there were only 
> smallish files (48K to 8MB) which only appeared to be receipts. I'm 
> expecting to see something 110MB in size for the MacOS update. There 
> doesn't even seem to be a clear receipt for the MacOS update. In the 
> Updates folder is a 4K file "index.plist".
> In my User's Receipts folder is only Adobe log install files.
> In the Lib/Receipts/boms folder it's the same story, smallish files 
> (except the Xerox drivers is 31.6MB - sheesh).
> The a.receiptdb file is 238.6MB - I'm guessing it stores data for all 
> installs you've made, correct?
> So, did the large MacOS downloaded installer perhaps break apart into 
> the smaller package files maybe? Unfortunately I don't visually know 
> what the state of my Receipts folder looked like prior to running the 
> update. But this is still confusing as the Epson drivers has possibly 
> created the file "com.apple.pkg.EpsonPrinterDrivers.bom" (6.2MB) and 
> "com.apple.pkg.EPSON_LaserPrinterWW.bom" (840K) but there is no other
> pkg file for Epson drivers (even tho I stipulated to keep it).

In Updates, LoginKeychainUpd.pkg is 4.8 MB and RemoteDesktopClient.pkg is6.1
MB. In Receipts, iTunesX.pkg  is 4 MB and QuickTime730_Leopard.pkg is 5.6 MB.
Those are the only ones I used SU to install and save.

If you double-click any of those pkgs, the installer pops up. I don't know
whether or not the pieces are broken up, but seems a reasonable conclusion.

> ps. I also noticed when doing this last update that Leopard requested 
> all apps be quit, then the whole screen went blue and the updates THEN 
> seemed to download from the net and run. Is it the new procedure that 
> software updates will run without interruption? With Tiger/Panther you 
> could let Software Update do its thing in the background while surfing 
> the net/burning a disc/reading mail etc. and it would then bounce in 
> the dock requesting you restart. It was your choice if you wanted to 
> restart then or later.

Yes. All updates are stored in temp files and when you click on the
Restartbutton, everything disappears to a blue screen for the actual writing;
whereas, previously it took place during the restart sequence. Apparently,
Applegot tired of people complaining that restarting was taking too long.
However, they failed to put up a window letting users know that. So, the
processis still disconcerting.

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