[X4U] RAM counsel

Michael Elliott michaelelliott at mac.com
Fri Nov 23 05:22:22 PST 2007


Just keep in mind that you can get 2x2 Gigs = 4 nowadays for around  
$60 a stick. Prices have come WAY down. The price difference between  
3rd party and Apple gets even bigger the higher you go. If you think  
you might go with 4 gigs later you will eventually save money by doing  
it now.

Check out some of the recent mentions of sales mentioned at  
xlr8yourmac.com (Otherworld Computing). Also I have always bought from  
Data Memory Systems and been very happy.

If my email is short, it's because I'm emailing from my iPhone.

iPhone mail

On Nov 21, 2007, at 4:51 PM, Jesse Leo <jleo at projectsupport.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the tips everyone. I think the question is whether I'll  
> stick
> with 2GB, then I may as well have Apple do it. If I decide to do 4GB  
> then
> it's a no-brainer that I'll get it separately and do it myself.
> Jesse
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