[X4U] Is there a Mac Pro list? (question about Windows under Boot Camp)

Tim Collier tim_collier at bellsouth.net
Sun Nov 25 04:56:55 PST 2007

On Nov 24, 2007, at 10:26 PM, Jim Robertson wrote:

> On 11/24/07 2:45 PM, "Stroller" <macmonster at myrealbox.com> wrote:
>> Just to set the record straight, it would be far more accurate to  
>> say:
>> All other Intel-based computers - whether they run Windows, Linux,  
>> BSD, or
>> most any other operating system - use a standard called "BIOS" for  
>> making
>> the OS aware of the hard drive. This standard has been established  
>> for a
>> couple of decades, so it's not surprising that it may cause  
>> problems with
>> the dominant operating system when Apple - producing less than  
>> 0.0001% of
>> Intel-based computers - comes along and does things differently.
>> I'm sorry I'm unable to help with your issue.
> (this in the context of castigating the author of the Macintouch  
> review of
> the Mac Pro for "Windows Bashing."
> I didn't see such assaults on Windows in the Mac Pro review. I saw an
> explanation of why the Mac Pro (at least last year with an early  
> beta of
> Boot Camp) functioned as a muscle-bound and ineffective Windows PC.  
> My query
> was whether that was still the case; i.e., whether Apple had been  
> able to
> make the Wintel hardware emulation; i.e., BIOS, work more  
> effectively. It's
> not clear to me yet whether that's the case. I've found some posts  
> by people
> who have put custom drivers into their Windows boot routines on the  
> Mac Pro.
> Such efforts are beyond my capability; I was merely asking whether  
> there was
> still a need to attempt such hacks in order for the Mac Pro to be a  
> good
> Windows citizen.
> Jim Robertson
> -- 
I don't if I replied to this post before, here goes.  As soon as I got  
Leopard, I re-installed XP (I don't like Vista) on my Mac Pro using  
the 'all new' boot camp.  It installed fine and all of the drivers are  
on the Leopard install DVD.  It's running fine, XP that is.  I don't  
know how XP or Vista runs under Parallels or similar emulators as I  
feel that they are 'lacking'-- just my feeling, I could be wrong.  XP  
still only sees 2 gig RAM on my Mac Pro that has 8 gig installed but  
from what I hear this is the way all of the 32 bit installs of Windows  
works.  I think I mentioned that I finally solved my PC problem by  
going out and buying a cheap PC.  I like this solution as I can still  
have the Mac Pro on and running Leopard and I can network to the PC  
hard drive and get anything I need.  This works well for me.
As for a good email list for discussing ANYTHING regarding all  
versions of OS X, All G3's, All G4's, All G5's and the Intel Macs, I  
suggest the G3-G5 list on LowEndMac.com.  I have been able to discuss  
Intel Mac issues and have never been told that "you're on the wrong  
list" and there are some very intelligent people on the list.  One  
other nice thing is that there isn't one participant who thinks he's  
the 'uber-genius' and thinks he knows everything, unlike this list...I  
won't mention a name.
The list nannies there do insist on bottom posting though and there is  
to be no discussion of PC's except when it relates to a Mac issue.


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