[X4U] Upgrading G3 iMac to G4 iMac - Easiest way?

Rod Duncan roduncan at telus.net
Tue Sep 18 21:52:08 PDT 2007

>On 17 Sep 2007, at 19:20, Rod Duncan wrote:
>>His older iMac is running 10.3.9. The newer iMac has 10.4.10 
>>installed. I would like to keep all his applications, preferences 
>>installed and do the easiest transfer possible ... I am now 
>>thinking it would be best to completely re-install Tiger into the 
>>newer iMac and go the firewire computer transfer route during 
>>installation. Then upgrade Tiger to the latest version. Obviously, 
>>a number of his applications will require updating. Is there an 
>>easier way? Suggestions.
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Thanks for taking the time to give such a reasoned response.

Did not know deleting a subject line in an attempt to create a new 
thread still had it tagged to the original. Will watch that in the 
future. Thanks for the heads up.


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