[X4U] Flush OS X memory?

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Wed Apr 9 11:28:14 PDT 2008

> I need to open an illustration for a client to show them what I have  
> so far, but I'm unable to get a preview (Illustrator) because there's  
> not enough free RAM, and I think THAT is because something in the  
> system isn't "letting go."
> I've quit all the apps I can (3D process ongoing for another client),  
> and still can't get a preview.
> Is there a method or a freeware doo-dad which will free up RAM?
> Since I created this illustration on this very computer, I know  
> there's enough memory to work with and preview it. I think the 3D  
> work, which I have shut down on this partic machine may be the thing  
> "unwilling" to release RAM it had been using.

How much free disk space do you have on your boot disk?

Are you still unable to open it if you reboot?  Realistically I think a
reboot is your only choice, and if the problem persists after a reboot you
might want to run a diagnostic against your RAM.


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