[X4U] e-mail server question

lisa c lcarr at mason.gmu.edu
Fri Apr 11 15:11:55 PDT 2008

   While I definitely recommend picking up books on how email works I 
think you also need to have an idea of what type of email package you 
plan/want to install.  That will also help you to narrow down what 
books to buy.  Ie.. there are many email server packages and thus many 
books on how to set one up.  If you've never done email before I would 
probably recommend you look for a package that is somewhat easy to set 
up (Ie all the pieces are bundled) and with good tech support.  As 
opposed to trying to dig in and install all the individual pieces (and 
maintain all the individual pieces).  I'd be happy to talk to you about 
some options offline if you'd like.  :)
On Apr 10, 2008, at 11:32 PM, Craig A. Finseth wrote:

>    Folks;
> 	   Does anyone know a GOOD tutorial on how to setup an e-mail server?
> 	   I ask because I'm fairly certain that my boss is going to ask me to
>    look into setting one up for the company.  I know it can be done; 
> but
>    I don't know the mechanics of it.  I know you SHOULD have a domain
>    name, but not how to associate the name with one's external IP.  Or
>    how to set up DNS, .. ect.  So; anyone know some good tutorial(s),
>    that will give me a handle on what's involved?
> You need to pick up some O'Reillly books: look through their web site
> or section at your favorite bookstore.
> Craig
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