[X4U] change date modified of folders?

John Douglass douglass at cs.clemson.edu
Wed Apr 23 08:44:47 PDT 2008

On Apr 23, 2008, at 9:02 AM, stephen e. schwartz wrote:

> Hello gang,
> Is there a convenient way to change the date modified of a folder to  
> an
> arbitrary date, short of telling the computer that today's date is  
> that
> date modifying the contents of the folder?
> OSX, 10.3.9, if that matters.
> thanks
> -steve

Use the 'touch' command from the terminal window:

touch -t '200804230000.00' filename

will change the time on filename to 4/23/2008 at midnight.

"man touch" for more information.

The date string is in the form [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]
and will default to this year if you do not specify the CC or
YY options.

-- John

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