[X4U] desktop pics

Steve Self steveself at mac.com
Thu Aug 7 07:25:47 PDT 2008

I have a few wonderful images I display on my desktop... A while ago  
they were great. Now when I bring the smooth image into the Desktop  
Sys Pref, and choose it, I get large pixelization in the blends. Very  

What gives here?  Did something change in OSX 10.5.x with regard to  
image processing?

I am running an iMac 2.8 Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB ram... 24 inch  
monitor, and a second 24 inch Apple Cinema monitor.

Both monitors are pixelated.  The images are sized to fit the monitors  
exactly. The images display great in Aperture. And that is where I  
point the Sys Pref to find the image, within Aperture.

Any thoughts on how to fix this?


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