[X4U] G5 iMac-isight battery replacement

Linda XPressoBean at mac.com
Sun Feb 17 14:31:09 PST 2008

On 2/17/08 4:11 PM, Kansas Territory wrote:

> I'm attempting to replace the battery in an iMac G5 (with iSight).
> I found some instructions on Apple's website for replacing the
> battery in an iMac G5 (no isight I'm guessing)
> The instructions seemed simple enough, removed the screws from the
> bottom, lift away the back cover, revealing all and easy access to
> the battery.
> However, when I try this.. and try to lift away the back cover.. the
> whole thing comes out.. basically simply removing the 'front cover'
> I'm wondering if this is a change from the original iMac and the iMac
> with iSight ?

>From <http://manuals.info.apple.com/en/iMacG5-iSight-Users_Guide.pdf>

> If your date and time settings get lost repeatedly
> Â You may need to have the internal backup battery replaced. The battery in
> your iMac G5 is not user-replaceable. Contact an Apple Authorized Service
> Provider or an Apple Store retail location for more information.

My opinion is that yes, it's a change, given that the correct Apple manual
for the computer says the battery is not user-replaceable. Be careful in
there! :-)


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