[X4U] IPhoto Library Merge

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Thu Feb 28 05:45:45 PST 2008

>I can power up both machines and can copy the photos album by album, 
>which is good as I can maintain them by events. It is when I come to 
>delete the originals, I have to find the actual photos to delete 
>rather than just deleting the albums I have copied over.

If you are using iLife 08, you can find the originals by 
Control-clicking the iPhoto Library item in your Pictures folder, and 
choosing "Show Package Contents". In the Contents is a folder called 
"Originals".  That's the one you want.

If you are using iLife 06, then the Originals folder is in Hard 
Drive/Users/[you]/Pictures/iPhoto Library folder.


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