[X4U] "Backwards Compatibility"

Eugene list-themacintoshguy at fsck.net
Thu Jun 19 03:20:02 PDT 2008

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 02:46:03PM CDT, zapcat <zapcat at speakeasy.net> wrote:
> On Jun 18, 2008, at 12:16 PM, Eugene wrote:
>> People stuck on old software/hardware: let it die so that the rest of
>> us can live.
> so, what you're saying is, that those of us who thrive and produce with  
> older hard/software are killing those of you who want to upgrade to new  
> things as they're released, and preventing you from enjoying the full  
> benefit of constantly new things?

1. Don't top-post.  Bad netiquette.

2. Don't use all-lowercase.  Bad grammar.

3. Your older software/hardware combination eventually dies.
Old hardware will eventually die, and new replacement hardware
may not be compatible with old software.  Old software may die
of incompatabilities with newer software (e.g. new OS) or newer
hardware (see above).  Old lifeforms die and give rise to newer
lifeforms as the ecosystem evolves and changes.  ADB, parallel,
and serial ports died and gave way to USB.  SCSI (mostly) and
Parallel ATA died and gave way to Firewire and Serial ATA.  And
Mac OS 9 died and gave way to Mac OS X.

Don't outlive the next generation.  Bad karma.


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