[X4U] random addressees showing up as "person"@mac.com

Michael Elliott michaelelliott at mac.com
Tue May 6 06:04:20 PDT 2008

No idea. Anybody know how that's set in outlook?

Plus these are fresh emails as far as I can see. Not replies to my  
mails. Also I done think that would explain why SOME of the other  
recipients are also listed with .Mac addresses.

Its a puzzler

Sent from my phone--so replies might be short.

On May 5, 2008, at 1:27 PM, Ronald Steinke <ronsteinke at mac.com> wrote:

> Is it possible that she has set her preferences in her mail program  
> to use the mail server of the last message that she received as the  
> mail server to send her message from?
> Sent via iPhone
> On May 5, 2008, at 7:42, Michael Elliott <michaelelliott at mac.com>  
> wrote:
>> I've got a strange question and was hoping that someone might know  
>> the answer.
>> I've got a person that emails me and about 20 others.  Let's call  
>> her Jane Smith.  Whenever she does, her "from:" email is listed as  
>> "Jane Smith"@mac.com.  Including the quotations.  I know that she  
>> is NOT using .mac as her email.  About 3-4 of her addressees are  
>> also listed as "John Smith"@mac.com and "Dr. Jones"@mac.com.  Other  
>> addressees on both the internal domain and domains like flash.net  
>> and yahoo.com are all listed normally.
>> I'm sure she's using Outlook.
>> Any ideas as to why her email address and those few others are  
>> shown that way?
>> Thanks
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