[X4U] How much can it cost

Christopher Collins maclist at analogdigital.com.au
Sat May 31 00:11:32 PDT 2008

On 31/05/2008, at 1:57 PM, Ronald Steinke wrote:
> Now, I am beginning to worry about my G5 Dual 2.0GHz Processor  
> tower. It is almost out of warranty and I didn't buy the extended  
> coverage from day one. I don't have any high speed fan noise yet,  
> but I am listening very carefully while sitting here at the desk.

if it just about to run out of warranty (it is less than a year old)  
then you can still buy Applecare for it AFAIK.

My understanding is that you must purchase Applecare within the first  
12 months.


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