[X4U] Widgets on PB G4

Andrew J. Yon III ayon3rd at mac.com
Fri Nov 7 20:28:06 PST 2008

> On Nov 7, 2008, at 11:35 AM, Paul Moortgat wrote:
> I just upgraded Tiger to Leopard.  I can't get widgets.  I should  
> press F12 to get them, but the only thing is that a CD is ejected if  
> there should be one inside.
> How do I get widgets on the G4?  I've still the old normal mouse.
> Paul Moortgat

push and release the F12 key quickly, not press and hold lengthily.  
The F12 key is a dual purpose key and is sensitive to the length of  
time you hold it pressed down. Pressed down for a long hold will open  
the optical drive , while a momentary pressing of the same key will  
bring the widgets to the surface.

Hope this helps,


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