Thanks. You've lowered my anxiety quotient considerably. Was really surprised at how many "users" were identified in the dscacheutil command. The "unknown" was there just as you suggested with the same UID and GID. This at the edge of my need to know but I'll search further and longer at the Apple discussion group The first 5 minutes didn't turn up much useful.... except to note that others have observed the same thing. BTW my installation is a pristine Leopard install. And I used the migration assistant. John On Nov 20, 2008, at 3:42 PM, John Baltutis wrote: > The unknown user (and group) is a normal one in OS X. > > Running this command in the Terminal app, "dscacheutil -q user " > reveals: > > name: _unknown uid: 99 gid: 99 > > Don't muck with it. > > Go to <> and search for "unknown user". > The > resulting posts should point you in the right direction WRT to your > query. > Apparently, it's what gets assigned when using the upgrade install > option on a > previous Panther or Tiger installation. > > On my installation, which was a pristine Leopard OS that I used the > Migration > Assistant to transfer from a Tiger installation, my /Applications > folder > permissions are: owner me w/R&W, staff w/R&W, and everyone w/R only.