[X4U] Finder Question

Bill Bauldry BauldryWC at appstate.edu
Fri Nov 21 09:07:14 PST 2008


Here's a way to get a list of duplicate files without too much trouble:

	1. Follow the procedure to get the smart-folder with all 10k files  
	2. Do a 'select-all' in the smart-folder
	3. Launch the text editor TextWranger (it's fantastic and free!)
	4. Paste the file list into a blank text document
	5. Choose "Process Duplicate Lines" from the "Text" menu
	6. Click the "Duplicates to new document" check-box in the dialog  
that comes up.

All names that are duplicates will show up in a new window in  

Good luck,
William C Bauldry, PhD
Professor of Interesting Stuff
Dept of Mathematical Sciences
Appalachian State University

On Nov 21, 2008, at 10:31 AM, x4u- 
request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com wrote:

> Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 23:36:12 -0600
> From: Ed Gould <edgould1948 at comcast.net>
> Subject: Re: [X4U] Finder Question
> To: "A place to discuss Mac OS X for the casual user."
> 	<x4u at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
> On Nov 20, 2008, at 11:40 PM, Christopher Collins wrote:
>> Amazingly, the extra information provided in this email makes it
>> simpler to figure out a solution.
>> Create a smart folder on the desktop with "kind is any" and "name
>> begins with z" and change "contents" to "filename"
>> That will give you ALL the files and folders that start with "z" on
>> your Mac.
>> Then you can do with them what you want. Unfortunately, the finder
>> doesn't appear to show the existing folder they are in or not that
>> I could find in about 3 minutes of playing with the finder.
>> Regards,
>> cjc
> Sigh.... That is what I get for trying to keep things simple and
> short. I could not do as you suggested as one of the folders (10K
> worth) of files that start with z.
> Ed

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