[SUMMARY] [X4U] Network settings

Jerry K apple.mail.list at oryx.cc
Mon Oct 6 01:00:17 PDT 2008


Thank you for the pointer.  This worked for me.

I have posted URL's and informative text from the tip.

Jerry K

wilkinw wrote:




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# Links: http://www.macfixit.com/co...

# TopicLate-Breakers

# Security
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Late-Breakers Late-Breakers
Monday, September 29 2008 @ 01:30 PM PDT
Never-ending "Your network settings have been changed" message; fix

Some users have reported an issue wherein, after applying Security 
Update 2008-006 for Mac OS X 10.4.11, their systems repeatedly display 
the message "Your network settings have been changed by another 
application." This message is sometimes accompanied by dropous in 
wireless connectivity.

The potential fix is as follows:

Delete the following files from Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration

     * com.apple.airport.preferences.plist
     * NetworkInterfaces.plist
     * preferences.plist
     * com.apple.nat.plist

then restart.

This fix is similar to one that we've recommended for wireless 
connectivity issues after various security and system updates. It's a 
good first line of attack if you're having such problems after an 
incremenal Mac OS X or security update.

Feedback? http://www.macfixit.com/contact.

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