[X4U] Is there a consensus?

Jens Selvig lstnmt at bresnan.net
Tue Sep 30 21:39:13 PDT 2008

Only if you have actually opened and read the emails, IMHO. You could  
put the icons in the tool bar for marking emails as read or unread and  
click on them at the time you are saving your attachments to get  
whichever affect you desire. Visit 'View' and then 'Customize  
Toolbar...' to add the icons.


On Sep 29, 2008, at 7:08 PM, Ed Gould wrote:

> There is no right or wrong way of doing this but I think the group  
> here might want to pipe up and say their opinion one way or the other.
> In mail app when you highlight say 5 emails and the file-->save  
> attachments ---save, should the emails that have had attachments  
> saved, should they be marked as read or not?

Jens Selvig
...Lost in Montana...

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