[X4U] Synching iPhone Calendar/addresses with PC Outlook

Conlon Brett brettnlis at bigpond.com
Wed Dec 30 06:06:14 PST 2009

Hi iPhone users,

Anyone out there using a successful method to "cleanly" synch their  
iPhone iCal with Outlook (WinXP)?

I've ticked the setting for Calendar and Addresses under PC iTunes'  
"Info" tab, but when I look in the Outlook calendar I can't see any  
changes, even though it told me after synching that there were over  
4000 changes made to calendar.

To further explain, for the last 2 yrs I've been using a Palm device  
(on both my Mac and Work PC) where I used many categories when setting  
my calendar entries. However after getting my new iPhone and synching  
from the Palm to Mac's iCal I sadly lost all of my categories. I can  
live with that loss but moving forward, I'd like to be able to use  
some form of category option so I can separate/colour code my entries  
("work" from "pleasure" etc etc etc). iCal seems to use individual  
calendars and Outlook, I believe, has categories. Is there a way to  
get these to synch, or am I dreaming? ie. iTunes "Meetings" calendar  
entries to synch so that they have a "Meetings" category in Outlook...  
or vice versa when synching entries I make on the work computer back  
to the iPhone.

I also found that Outlook is overriding my addresses, putting back on  
the iPhone what I spent AGES removing and cleaning up during the first  
synch. Is there a way to get this working properly? BTW, are the  
Address Book entries fully compatible with Outlook addresses? ie. if I  
create a person with, say, multiple details and a comment etc, will  
Outlook receive this as one entry and look the same, or will it split  
it up into multiple entries?

I sure hope I don't have to keep my iPhone away from the PC side in  
case it screws everything up, if you know what I mean. I want to  
heavily integrate it into both worlds - it's why I replaced my Palm  
device, my old iPod and Nokia Phone with the iPhone in the first place.

All suggestions most welcome! Any good places/forums to look up?



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