[X4U] One must be an American

Paul Moortgat paul.moortgat at pandora.be
Tue Apr 6 09:34:02 PDT 2010

It must be an American because only Americans can buy an iPad :).  We  
don't even know what the price here will be.  Much more than in the US  
that's for sure.
I don't know if I can use one or not.  It's much money for doing what  
one can do with a Powerbook (if one has one).  And a Powerbook has a  
larger screen.
If one doesn't have a Powerbook, it's difficult.

Paul Moortgat

On 06 Apr 2010, at 17:38, Zane H. Healy wrote:

> At 5:01 PM +0200 4/6/10, Paul Moortgat wrote:
>> He bought 3 of them and smashed 1
>> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGUppxoJUVg>
>> Paul Moortgat
> That is *NOT* being an American.  That is being an idiot whose daddy  
> has too much money.  Of course it also appears to have taken place  
> at a "Best Buy" rather than an Apple Store.
> Zane

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