Put ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist in the trash. Close all open Finder Windows. Restart. Open a new Finder window, then using View set the status of pathbar, statusbar, sidebar, and toolbar as desired. Do nothing else in the window. Close the window; this will write a new plist file with preferences set to what the recently closed window had. On Aug 20, 2010, at 6:45 PM, Allan Rube wrote: > I suddenly lost the sidebars in finder windows when I do a “new finder window” command. If I double-click on a folder it opens with the sidebar. > > My finder preferences seem o.k. I restarted. I thought there might be a finder preference file I could trash but I could not find one. > > Anything else to try. > ----------------------------------------------- There are only three kinds of stress; your basic nuclear stress, cooking stress, and A$$hole stress. The key to their relationship is Jello. neil