[X4U] Preview - add an image to a PDF file Apps

Paul Moortgat paul.moortgat at pandora.be
Wed Dec 22 14:53:05 PST 2010

Tip from Macworld:


The text:
I wanted to add a logo PNG image on a document I had in PDF. It is  
fairly simple to do this in Preview:
	• Convert the PDF document to an image with File » Save As.... Choose  
PNG as the format and change the resolution as desired.
	• Open the image file and select the whole image with Edit » Select  
All (or select just a part of it with the mouse if you wish).
	• Copy the selection Edit » Copy.
	• Go back to the document (which is now a PNG image) and paste the  
selection with Edit » Paste and resize it as you wish.
	• Save the file as a PDF with File » Save As.... Choose PDF as the  
format (and rename it if the original PDF needs to be preserved).
Note that a PDF made from an image is not searchable, so that is a  
drawback to this procedure.

Paul Moortgat

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