John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Sat Jan 9 12:46:51 PST 2010

On 1/9/10, Earle Jones <earle.jones at comcast.net> wrote:
> Intel iMac -- X 10.6.2 -- HP printers, etc.
> I have several external HDs (all are USB connected) including an IOMEGA 320GB.
> The 320GB power unit died (loose plug-in prongs) and IOMEGA sent me a new
>power unit.  When I re-connect the HD, it is not recognized on the desktop.
> 'Disk Utility' can't find it; neither can 'Disk Warrior', TechTool Pro',
>'Drive Genius' or anything else I can think of. Restart doesn't help.
> The disk drive is warm and rotating, the blue lamp is on, and the connections
>are OK (I switched several HDs around to different USB slots.)
> What should I do next?  Is there a terminal script that will scanfor HDs?

Power down the new HD and disconnect it. Zap the PRAM as detailed in
<http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1379>, hook up the HD, and power it up. That
should do the trick. BTW, if any of those externals have aFW connection, hou
should use it. FW's 40-50% faster than USB and designed for data transfers,
whereas, USB is for talking to peripherals.

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