I think Aperture 3 is more complete. It has more tools to retouch the images, and there is not necessary other programs like PS. But you must work more with the options. And you can't modify the perspective, you need a plugin. Necessary Plugins for me: BorderFX and PTlens. Lightroom 3 is more simple but a great program... less complex than Aperture and the new tools to reduce noise and lens distorsion are really great. Necessary Plugins for me: LR/Mogrify. before... PTLens too... but now is not necesary. 2010-06-17 13:56(e)an, Roy v.d. Westhuizen(e)k idatzi zuen: > I have PS CS5, Lightroom 3 and Aperture. I feel CS5 must be up-mastered, but as a photographer, which is the better of the remaining 2 programs to master? I was told that at the 2 level LR was much beter than Aperture, but am not sure at the 3 level. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. -- rafa espada http://rafaespada.tel