[X4U] How do I rightside up my upside down video?

cat soul catsoul at thinkplan.org
Tue Apr 5 08:51:56 PDT 2011

On Apr 5, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Crandon David wrote:

> Is there a rotate function elsewhere? Such as in iMovie?
> Thanks for the help in advance,

I use QT Pro, but under Window>Movie Properties>Video track, there  
are 4 buttons for Flip/Rotate. Can't say whether QT non-pro offers  
these or not.

In iMovie, under the Window menu, or by hitting "C," you get  
something called "Cropping, Ken Burns & Rotation."

In your viewer window, there are two curved arrows at the top center  
of that pane..click them to rotate your clip either way at increments  
of 90 degrees.

 From there, you can edit, or export your now-rotated clip into  
something which is right-side up

I'm no whiz at iMovie; times I've used it I've found it to be dog- 
slow, but it does appear to offer what you seek.

good luck!


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