[X4U] New iPad setup woes

Jim Warthman jwarthmanlists at gmail.com
Sun Aug 5 12:44:27 PDT 2012

Hi Ken,
It seems to me the issue is that, in order to get all your data, you MUST restore from the backup! Doing a sync, as you've discovered, will not solve your problem.

My suggestion is for you to do a factory reset on your iPad 2 and try the restore again. It would be most helpful if you can call AppleCare while you do this, so they can step you through the process.

I believe you can still recover your data.



On Aug 5, 2012, at 12:17 PM, Ken Johnson wrote:

> OK - I used a pretty simple procedure:
> 1. I backed up the iPad-1 (and later erased it for its new owner)
> 2. iTunes would not allow a restore-from on the iPad-2, because it came with an older OS (5.01), so I set it up as a "new iPad", and then installed new copy of iOS 5.1.1.  (All that was following iTunes "instructions".
> 3. Next was a "sync" - That process loaded the new iOS, and all of my songs, & apps, but not the data.
> I use an app called "GoodReader", in which I had stored a great deal of data - gone
> I manage weight using an app called "iWatch", and it had months and months of WW data - gone.
> But, I believe these data are located on my iMac (running OSX Lion) in an iTunes backup, somewhere - I did these weekly.
> Ken
> On Aug 5, 2012, at 1:20 PM, Jim Warthman wrote:
>> On Aug 5, 2012, at 8:39 AM, Ken Johnson wrote:
>>> Acquired a new iPad-2, and moved over from iPad-1 using iTunes. All my apps loaded automatically, but NONE of my data files.  Yes I backed up old one regularly. My question is - is there a way to restore data files from older b/u of prev iPad?  Or am I starting all over?
>> Ken, can you describe the steps you took using iTunes to get your stuff on the new iPad 2?
>> In my experience, moving from an old to a new iOS device works quite well, with little information "lost" in the process.
>> You might take a look here, then help us understand what you've done already:
>>  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4137?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US
>>  http://gigaom.com/apple/transfer-your-old-data-to-your-new-ipad/
>>  http://osxdaily.com/2012/03/16/transfer-old-ipad-to-new-ipad/
>>  http://www.macworld.com/article/1158497/migrating_from_an_old_ipad.html
>> Note that, whatever you've done, it's possible to reset your new iPad and start over with a fresh "restore".
>> Enjoy,
>> Jim
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