[X4U] Only Mail to Mavericks

wayneclodfelter wayneclodfelter at mindspring.com
Mon Dec 9 15:46:59 PST 2013

Down and dirty, Paul, open their user library and find the mail folder and mail boxes and messages.
You can make the user Library visible within Terminal.app with "chflags nohidden /Users/<Username>/Library" where Username is the name of the user folder.
Drag them to some type of moveable media such as a thumb drive, or burn them to a CD or DVD that can be accessed by the new computer.
Access them in the new computer and drag them into the appropriate locations in the user library on the new computer, ie, create a new mailbox called "old mail" or some such and put them there.
Then, within the new mail app, move and sort the old mail as you like.

I have done this numerous times in the past with some trial and error but no serious issues. Just be careful. And the more compact and better sorted the old mail before the copying and moving, the better the result will be. In other words, do your housekeeping before the move so you have less to deal with during and after the move.

There is the possibility you will encounter some permissions issues with the mail folders. These can be resolved, if encountered, by addressing ownership and permission levels within the folders and for their content. You may not see any problems at all.

Disclaimer: this worked for me; I have told you, generally, how I did it and would do it. YMMV.


On Dec 9, 2013, at 12:23 AM, Paul Moortgat <paul.moortgat at pandora.be> wrote:

> A family member will buy a new Macbook Pro.  They now have a G4 iBook (10.4)
> How can I move their Mail to the new Macbook Pro?
> I doubt if the Migration Assistant will allow it for Mail only.
> Paul Moortgat
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Wayne Clodfelter
wayneclodfelter at mindspring.com

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