[X4U] Good easy to use cross platform FTP client

David Ledger david.ledger at ivdcs.co.uk
Tue Sep 24 02:57:17 PDT 2013

At 11:03 -0700 23/9/13, Crandon David wrote:
>Thanks guys for giving me an easy to use Torrent client, I used uTorrent.
>Now. I'd like to get these vintage TV shows I've downloaded over to 
>a friend who uses Windows.
>What would be the most efficient way over the internet to do this?
>We both have high speed connections. The files are multiples between 
>4-25 gigs in size.
>I know there are some pay services that do it. I think it could be 
>Googles cloud service, but that would be pay also, correct?
>Would an old fashioned FTP service be easy? What do you guys think?

One option is to give them an account on your Mac, turn on Remote 
Login in Sharing Preferences, and set you router to send SSH requests 
to your Mac. They can then use an FTP-alike application that can do 
'scp' (copy over ssh) and grab it directly. It would be worth them 
checking with an ssh login first using 'putty' or similar to get the 
ssh keys sorted out.


David Ledger - Freelance Unix Sysadmin in the UK.
david.ledger at ivdcs.co.uk

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