[X4U] Snow Lep to Mavericks? iTunes and iPhoto

Jim Elmore jelmore at elmoredesign.com
Tue Mar 25 07:04:06 PDT 2014

Migration Assistant is the way to go (my experience). Apple has it worked out. 

On Mar 25, 2014, at 8:28am, Jesse D. Leo <jesse at jesseleo.com> wrote:

> Hi, thanks for the response.  I wasn't sure if this would work, I was always under the impression that for itunes and iphoto to work properly, it had to "see" the files and import/index them - just dragging the old libraries into the right directories wouldn't necessarily work. I hope I'm wrong though, that would indeed be very easy!
> JL
> On 03/24/2014 05:11 PM, Christopher Collins wrote:
>> Pull the HDD from your MBP, connect it via USB3 & drag your music &
>> photo libraries across to the correct folders.
>> Simple & quick.
>> cjc
>> On 25 Mar 2014, at 7:55 am, Jesse D. Leo <jesse at jesseleo.com> wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> So our old Macbook Pro (2009?) is finally on its last legs. Multiple hardware issues make me think it's not gonna be worth saving. The good news is that the hard drive is still in working condition, and I have recent Time Machine backups.
>>> If we get a new Mac I assume it will be running Mavericks. So this is kind of a noob question, but what would be the best way to get the iPhoto and iTunes libraries moved over? Our entire lives are in there.
>>> iCloud is the first thing that comes to mind, and for relatively recent music purchases that will do the job. But we have a TON of older stuff that has not been iclouded. And then there are the photos and movies...
>>> Time Machine restore? Would that even work, given how old Snow Leopard is (I assume Mavericks has newer versions of both programs)?
>>> Any suggestions you guys have would be great.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jesse
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