[XDreams] Projectors using Windows

Lela Tong artofbusiness_computer at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 14 21:47:18 PST 2006

This time, I went to CompUSA -- the rep said yes re the projector connection and showed me a usd 20 video adapter which he said was Apple proprietary and didn't think that this cable was readily available.
  Kindly let me know -- is this a rare cable which is only available thru Apple?
W Lane <wilann at telusplanet.net> wrote:
On 06-Nov-9, at 4:41 AM, Lela Tong wrote:

> I wanted to double check with Circuit City and Office Depot -- 
> where sales reps told me that their projectors work with Windows only.


> Situation: I teach, and use projectors which belong to hotels and 
> companies -- many moons ago, I was told that these projectors won't 
> work with Apple and so, I wanted to check again. Again, Windows 
> only... that is, the sales rep at OD told me today.

Wrong, wrong and wrong. Give a specific make and model, I'll hunt one 
down, hook up one of our Macs and send you/him a pic of same.

> Thus, I was wondering if the Mac's new ability to use Windows would 
> allow me to get a Mac since I need a new laptop.

Buy a Mac. Period.

> I had crossed over to the dark side awhile ago, but would like to 
> rejoin the Apple world.

A wise decision for a myriad of reasons

> Also, just wondering... would the Windows world allow the entry of 
> viruses into the Apple world?

There are, at this point, 0 viruses in the wild for OS X

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