[BTM] Cheesy fix for non-syncing Tungsten/T's!

Stephen Jonke sjj_public at mac.com
Wed Jan 15 07:24:08 PST 2003

On Wednesday, January 15, 2003, at 08:33  AM, Richard McKay wrote:
> The first question is: do you have the "superuser" account activated in
> netinfo? If not, are you willing to activate this account?

Actually, not only isn't it necessary to activate the root account, but 
activating root isn't recommended. Any admin user account can use the 
"sudo" command to get root privileges temporarily. So, if you aren't 
using an admin account, here's what you'd need to type (stuff in angle 
brackets you need to replace with the appropriate thing):

    su <some admin user>         [enter *their* password to su to them]
    sudo kill <blued's PID>      [enter the the admin user's password, 
not root's!]


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