bluetooth 141 a disaster.

Robert Nicholson robert at
Tue Nov 25 10:27:50 PST 2003

Well I should have trusted my gut and not upgraded the bluetooth.

Ok prior to upgrading my bluetooth to 141 I was able to sync both 
contact and todo/calendars but for some reason now iSync does no longer 
want to sync todo/calendars with bluetooth 141.

Anybody able to do this?

in addition since upgrading to 141 all syncing in iSync seems to be 
noticably longer.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003 12:21 PM
Conduit Nokia 6600 generated an internal error 
NSObjectNotAvailableException (Unknown error.): can't get synchronizer 
for calendars and To Do items.
Can't synchronize calendars and To Do items to Nokia 6600: device is 
not available.

I am using the MSI adaptor which hadn't failed me to date.

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