Sorry I can't offer a solution, Steve. All I can tell you is that I'm using 10.3.4 on an Aluminum PowerBook and have no trouble browsing my Z600. Perhaps it's a dongle issue? best-- Rob Parker >Hello ! > >I have a Z600, an iMac FP 800 and a D-Link DWB-120M usb bluetooth dongle. > >I have been using them without any problems until my update to 10.3.4. > >Since then, I cannot browse my phone, neither send to it files from >the desktop. Since iSynch and AddressBook are working correctly, I >suspect a problem with the "bluetooth File exchange" (BFE) software. > >The browsing of the phone fails during the connection. BFE offers >then to reconnect or to cancel the operation. Trying to reconnect >crashes BFE. Trying to send files via BFE (apple-shift-b) just >connect the iMac to the phone without transmetting the file. (the >Z600 see the bluetooth connection, connects and wait) > >I tried all that also into a new user without any more luck. Repear >permissions and trashing preferences didn't help neither. > >Anyone faced the same problem or has a solution to mine? > >Thanks, > >Steve