[P1] Can't read Shravan's posts

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Fri Dec 13 14:13:50 PST 2002

Am 13/12/02 21:37 schrieb "Brian Olesky" unter <brian4 at sbcglobal.net>:

> So the consensus seems to be that his posts come through in Mail and Eudora,
> but not in Entourage. Interesting.

For the record the problem is not Entourage related, rather with how OS X
was installed...If you did a custom install (as a few of us obviously did,
then you could leave out some/all of the additional language support kits,
one of which was Japanese. This was what we would need to install to see his
messages. Afterwards Entourage would show it just like the others...Not
trying to save MS here, just trying to be fair...


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