[P1] Freeing drive space on iBook

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Sat Dec 14 02:30:34 PST 2002

Am 14/12/02 5:33 schrieb "Allan Hise" unter <allan at hise.org> in response to
my dribble...

>>it will
>> be great to also use it to have a startup disk with Norton items for
>> defragmentation/virus control of the iBooks disk and do repairs on the road
>> if need be while having all of my contacts and music with me

> I'd avoid using the iPod to boot you rmac on a regular basis. When in use
> as an mp3 player, the drive does not spin much. When moving a lot of data
> onto it, the ipod can get quite hot. I'd worry that sustained operation at
> these temperatures could be bad.
> Just a theory.


very valid theory as well, I have read that the pod gets *very* hot when
large volumes of data are moved to/from it...a bit ironic really...assuming
it uses passive heat dissipation, has a slow spinning drive (< 5400?) and is
packaged in this wonderfully small housing, the firewire is effectively (due
to its speed) a heat coil plugged into the iPod? This could mean really bad
news if the Board got *super* hot and deformed or components couldn't take
it...I will certainly only be using it as startup once in a while (ca.
1/month for maint.) but it will be nice to have the emergency solution
always at hand...thanks for the tip


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