[P1] Can't read Shravan's posts

Kim Gammelg å rd kim.gammelgaard at get2net.dk
Sat Dec 14 07:25:56 PST 2002

I don't think it has anything to do with the installation or not. I have
Japanese installed on my iBook here, and I cannot read the messages up-front
either. If I change the encoding (Format->Character set) to Japanese, the
messages show fine.



On 13/12/02 23:13, "Richard McKay" <richard.mckay1 at virgin.net> wrote:

> Am 13/12/02 21:37 schrieb "Brian Olesky" unter <brian4 at sbcglobal.net>:
>> So the consensus seems to be that his posts come through in Mail and Eudora,
>> but not in Entourage. Interesting.
> For the record the problem is not Entourage related, rather with how OS X
> was installed...If you did a custom install (as a few of us obviously did,
> then you could leave out some/all of the additional language support kits,
> one of which was Japanese. This was what we would need to install to see his
> messages. Afterwards Entourage would show it just like the others...Not
> trying to save MS here, just trying to be fair...
> Richard

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