[P1] truth in advertising

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 18 15:03:13 PST 2002

On Wednesday, December 18, 2002, at 01:15  PM, Charles Martin wrote:

> But when one has a long record of lying in public,

Who was it that said that they went to dictionary.com and it did not 
say exactly what I quoted it as saying?

> refusing to acknowledge it when they are caught,

An awful silence arose after I re-quoted the definition proving I was 
right and someone was lying...  And that person never did respond after 
being caught...

> when one holds racist views, when one deliberately distorts their 
> opponents' record in order to make their own point look better, I feel 
> safe in calling that person an idiot regardless of their political 
> views. Rush Limbaugh is an idiot. Trent Lott is an idiot. James 
> Trafficant (a Democrat) and Gary Condit (also a Democrat) are both 
> idiots AND slimeballs. There is plenty of idiocy on display in this 
> world.

Especially on the part of those whose greatest contribution is slander 
and calling people idiots. Gads man, have you no intelligence such that 
you could find better ways of expressing yourself than grade school 
insults? Please, continue your peacockish display...

And, you are wandering terribly off topic...

Just saw 5 people sitting at a table and each talking to someone else 
on their self-phones.
Jack Rodgers

Email: jackrodgers at earthlink.net
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