[P1] truth in advertising...still OT

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 20 17:18:16 PST 2002

On Friday, December 20, 2002, at 10:58  AM, Harry D. Corsover wrote:

> So, the white majority gets to first enslave, then discriminate greatly
> against a black minority.

The slave masters where not just 'white'. Christians and Jews and a 
small number of africans also owned slaves in the US.

Around the world the list of slave owners most likely included every 
nation and every ethnic group and every religion.

There were 'Indian', African and 'white' slaves in the US.

Slavery was an economic institution and may even be used still in China 
to help produce those high quality low cost goods we enjoy.

In the US we no longer need rely on human slaves as we now have 
mastered the art of mechanical slaves (a point made in the movie 

One interesting point that I realized recently while drive up sugar 
alley (27) in South Florida is the change that has occured in the sugar 
industry. 50 years ago and before the sugar industry was the closest 
thing left to slavery in how they treated immigrants from the islands 
lodging them behind barbed wire, cheating them out of their wages and 
subjecting them to truly cruel work. Now there are large machines that 
cut down the cane where human semi-slaves once hacked away with 
machettes in the burning tropical sun amid snakes and such. These 
machines spray the cut up stalks into large trucks that then race their 
cargo to the refineries and make a round trip for more.

Industrializations, not a zeal for human rights or equality, has done 
more to end outright slavery and replace it with a wage slave.

If we didn't have our air conditioned cars, power mowers, electric 
drills, packaged animal parts in our grocery stores, bins and bins of 
fruits and vegetables to pick through, slavery might return as an 
acceptable option.

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Jack Rodgers

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