crazy battery

matthew h matthew at
Sun Dec 22 06:36:10 PST 2002

My battery is acting all crazy like these days.  I have an iBook (500 
Mhz, 384 RAM) running 10.2.1.  Before Jaguar I used to be able to bring 
my laptop to work to use at my lunchbreak.  When I opened it up 
(airport off, screen dimmed) the battery level would be at 92%--now 
it's at 70%.  With my power settings at 'Longest Battery Life' I can 
only squeeze out like twenty minutes when I used to get an hour.  Also, 
the Low Battery warning is popping up earlier and earlier--used to be 
at 14%, a few weeks ago at 30%,  and last night it was at 70% that I 
got the warning.  Is this Jaguar?  Is it my iBook?  Any suggestions?

I'm on digest so feel free to write me or cc me to any list post at 
matthew at


Stolen Kisses
"You'll lose it if you talk about it"

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